How To Create Memories And Meaningful Adventures At Home With Kate Ngo

Life can get monotonous with the daily grind. But there are easy, simple ways that you can do to make life a little more fun every day.

Read along as Kate takes us on her favorite travel moments, yoga sessions, and sea adventures in beautiful Cebu City. ๐Ÿ˜‰


London. The city has this comforting yet invigorating energy about it. Itโ€™s always felt like a second home to me and ever since I left, Iโ€™ve made it a point to try and visit every year. 

Kate Ngo

How have you been staying busy and positive during these times?

It was challenging to stay disciplined at the beginning but reaching mid-year, I came to establish a ritual. Every night before bed, I note 2-3 things I want to accomplish the following day - could be anything really: work or fitness related, reaching out to friends and family, or learning a new skill. Keeping the list short has made it easier to remain focused and consistent. 


What are some activities you like to do? Can you share with us your New Normal Adventures?

Kitchen adventures would definitely take up the most part! Before quarantine, youโ€™d never find me in the kitchen. But ever since my brothers requested Mexican Tuesdays and Korean Thursdays back in June, itโ€™s been my responsibility (and joy) to cook for my family both days every week. And itโ€™s been hella fun! 

Apart from that, Iโ€™ve been back to diving every weekend. 


What's been your most memorable adventure? Share one of your happy places!

If you could go back to anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?

Iโ€™ve always loved Japan. Itโ€™s dynamic yet familiar, non-conforming yet traditional. With all the uncertainty engulfing the world these days, itโ€™d be nice to go where it feels more familiar. What would I do - basically every little luxury I believe weโ€™ve all taken for granted. Iโ€™d walk around my favourite streets, eat at my favourite restaurants and visit my favourite rooftop bars. Iโ€™d wake up early to see the markets open and stay out to see the streets fill up with locals getting off work. 

Wink Laser Studio

We canโ€™t wait to get you ready for your NEXT adventures! What are you most looking forward to on your next Wink visit?

Iโ€™m really looking forward to Winkโ€™s Laser Facial! With most things I do - hiking, diving, woodworking... I canโ€™t put much on my face. So I really need to take care of it from the inside out. But of course - it helps to give it that extra boost now and then. 

Iโ€™m really looking forward to Winkโ€™s Laser Facial! With most things I do - hiking, diving, woodworking... I canโ€™t put much on my face. So I really need to take care of it from the inside out.
Wink Laser Studio Laser Facial

Follow Kateโ€™s new normal adventures here.